An Operational Renaissance at ISO-Pacific

In a conversation with Lori Dillon, President, Brittany Dillon, Contract Specialist, and Tonya Leach, Business Intelligence Data Specialist, we examine how the gritty team at ISO-Pacific overcame the challenge of improving its operations and boosting its financial strategies.

the challenge

ISO-Pacific, a trailblazer in the soil remediation sector, is known for its revolutionary Soil Sorting System (S3) and innovative technology development. With an uncompromising commitment to safety, performance, and integrity, this certified Woman–Owned Small Business has its sights on leading the industry. The problem: ISO-Pacific encountered significant hurdles with a previous accounting firm, particularly concerning timely tax filing – which is critical for a business with an SBA loan. The inefficiencies and lack of support were gumming up the gears, so ISO-Pacific started their search for a new firm that could give them the attention and quality they needed to continue their drive for growth and excellence.

the solution

ISO-Pacific discovered Account Sense through a recommendation. After researching and interviewing Jennifer, the team says they just clicked. "They had all the right responses, but more than that, we unanimously felt like we found a place where we belonged," said Brittany. First, since ISO-Pacific’s payroll person left suddenly, Account Sense went to work setting up an efficient, multi-state payroll system to address that immediate need. Then, their swift action on tax filings broke the cycle of extensions, establishing a reliable timetable for future fiscal responsibilities. After addressing their immediate needs, Account Sense took on a more holistic role by providing outsourced accounting services and strategic CFO support, streamlining processes, and introducing cost-effective practices, notably for invoicing and expense management.

the results

The partnership with Account Sense marked a renaissance in ISO-Pacific's financial operations.

  • Streamlined payroll and on-time tax filings became the standard.
  • Enhanced use of QuickBooks® led to improved project profitability tracking and future expense forecasting, empowering shareholders with transparent insights.
  • The strategic shift from manual to digital invoicing facilitated smoother client transactions.

Account Sense is now an integral part of the ISO-Pacific ecosystem. "They want us to be as successful as possible, and they go out of their way to give us ideas that will make us better,” said Tonya. “When you compare the cost of using them versus a full-time person just handling bookkeeping and payroll, it is striking how cost-effective they are. They give us a whole accounting department! Account Sense is a part of ISO-Pacific, even though they aren't in our building," Lori shared.

ISO-Pacific's partnership with Account Sense demonstrates how the right collaboration can transform financial operations, moving beyond compliance to strategic vision and excellence. The remarkable synergy has instilled a newfound confidence in the company's future.